I haven't had much to say about all this because I thought I would just let it play out. What's to say that hasn't been endlessly said?
But if it turns out that these thugs get their just desserts, will that be a schadenfreude moment for me? Hardly. I'm worried. It just seems that the country is particularly vulnerable right now, that things are being held together with paper clips and duct tape. If these guys go down, they are not going down without a fight. Things could get pretty messy.
Americans convinced themselves in electing this administration they were putting the grownups back into power, but they're discovering now that instead they put in a callow frat-boy who might be the only one left standing when all the dust settles. I don't know about you, but that makes me pretty nervous. He's got three more years. It's one thing to pop the country's balloon about what they really have in this man, but once the balloon is popped, there he is. And he's still running the show. By himself. No help from Rove, and maybe not even from Cheney. We'll see.
When abstractly considered, being rid of Cheney and Rove would seem to be a good thing. But their boy in the oval office is in over his head in the best of circumstances. How confident do you feel about his stability and his capability to deal with the kind of firestorm it looks like his administration is about to face? Is Condi Rice going to be holding his hand as Kissinger held Nixon's? Oy.
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of pressure is being put on Fitzgerald right now with this argument: Back off, Fitzie. The stability of the country depends on it.