Lies are designed to damage our grasp of reality. So they are intended, in a very real way, to make us crazy. To the extent that we believe them, our minds are occupied and governed by fictions, fantasies, and illusions that have been concocted for us by the liar. What we accept as real is a world that others cannot see, touch, or experience in any direct way. A person who believes a lie is constrained by it, accordingly, to live "in his own world"--a world that others cannot enter, and in which even the liar himself does not truly reside. Thus the victim of the lie is, in the degree of is deprivation of truth, shut off from the world of common experience and isolated in an illusory realm which there is no path that others might find or follow. Harry Frankfurt, On Truth, p. 78
If you're at all attuned to the political reality in this country, you cannot be impressed with how little of what goes on in Washington is really in the interests of the people outside of it. It's an un-reality bubble constructed of outright lies, delusions of grandeur, and self-justifying fictions. And yet we have given these people the keys to the car, and we are forced to trust that they won't drive it off the cliff.
And what is the basis for that trust, exactly? There is none, and there will be none until the people there start talking in a truthful way we can all relate to. Until they do we have no reason to listen to them or to believe them or to trust them. We have to treat them as crazy people who themselves don't know what is real or unreal because they have lived too long in this hall of mirrors constructed and held together by lies upon which layer by layer of new lie is constructed so that one forgets what truth sounded like.
And these people have become incapable of distinguishing between what is true or false. All that matter are assertions that serve one's interests. Everyone does it. The people most admired are those who lie most convincingly measured by the power and wealth that accrue to them thereby. When a democratic society becomes indifferent to whether their representatives lie for the sake of expediently serving their interests, that society is no longer democratic in any functional sense of the word.
I'd like to think that the huge Lie that is Rudy Giuliani, once it has been exposed, will doom his political career forever. But, I doubt it will. I'd like to think that the kind of shoddy journalism perpetrated by the Beltway Media establishment, once it is exposed for what it is will be repudiated and replaced with responsible, truth seeking journalism. But I doubt it will. We've crossed a line some where, and now that it has been crossed, the only thing that matters is who comes up with the lies that reinforce what most people want to hear.