If there was any doubt she was playing it since South Carolina, it should now be dispelled. This woman is made rabid by her obsession with power:
In a jaw-dropping interview in USA Today on Thursday, she said, "I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on." As evidence she cited an Associated Press report that, she said, "found how Sen. Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me."
White Americans? Hard-working white Americans? "Even Richard Nixon didn't say white," an Obama supporter said, "even with the Southern strategy."
If John McCain said, "I got the white vote, baby!" his candidacy would be over. And rising in highest indignation against him would be the old Democratic Party.
To play the race card as Mrs. Clinton has, to highlight and encourage a sense that we are crudely divided as a nation, to make your argument a brute and cynical "the black guy can't win but the white girl can" is -- well, so vulgar, so cynical, so cold, that once again a Clinton is making us turn off the television in case the children walk by.
"She has unleashed the gates of hell," a longtime party leader told me. "She's saying, 'He's not one of us.'"
Any thought of putting her on the ticket in a nightmare team should be dispelled forever. She no longer deserves even that. Democrats who still think this woman has any basic decency or that even a square inch of her soul isn't given over to political calculation are as clueless as those Republicans who thought George Bush was a strong, decisive leader.
Preferring Clinton is not the same as rejecting Obama. To suggest that these white voters will not vote for Obama in the general is about as blatant a play on race as you can get. Is race a factor for some of these voters? Sure. But to think that this is the only consideration is insulting to them, to Obama, and to the superdelegate whom she hopes to sway with such a perverse argument.
This excerpt above is from a column by Peggy Noonan of all people. In it she points out that the only faction within the Democratic Party that can politically euthanize Hillary is the women. But Feinstein backed off and Mikulski says she's still behind her. Maybe if we all just ignore her she'll just go away. This whole thing is going to work itself out. And we should all be grateful that we will not have to live with this sad, self-absorbed, robotically calculating woman as our president for another four or eight years. I don't know if this little film was made with her in mind, but it sure resonates after the last several weeks: