I hope. Rebecca Traister in Salon, who voted for Hillary, sees her pretty much the way I do:
The truth is, whether you have a life-size poster of her on the wall or the Hillary nutcracker sitting on your bedside table, you cannot help admitting: Clinton and her ever-lovin' husband are figures too delicious to resist, their story a must-read. They are our great American characters: Shakespearean in their marriage, Fitzgeraldian in their striving, Chandler-esque in their noirish cronyism. They can't stop writing their own compelling narratives; they just can't help themselves.
You could say something similar about Nixon as an American political prodigy--there's something kind of awe-inspiring about such people; they really are different from the rest of us more-or-less normal saps. But let's hope there's no Hillary and Bill sequel. However intriguing they might be as characters in a political melodrama, the country is better off with both of them off stage. Traister's whole piece is worth a read.