Jane Hamsher at Firedoglake has been working hard to do this, and she deserves our support. If you're in tune with the basic thrust of what I've been saying here about the fight for healtcare reform, please go here and help her to do what I've been arguing has to be done.
Postscript. See here about why we need a movement to "Dump Rahm."
Read on if you want to understand what's driving policy and how little it has to do with what's good for the country and almost everything to do with keeping Dems in power no matter what the price. It's not really about Rahm it's about Rahm's world. I'm not saying there's a reality here that Emmanuel understands and sees as essential to deal with. It's about changing that reality. That's priority number one. Very little can be done so long as Rahm's world is the real world within the Beltway.People make a mistake when they think the battle for health care reform is about ideology, because it's not. It's about who controls K Street and the cash that flows from it, which could fund a 2010 GOP resurgenece -- or not.