On the morning of the Charlottesville riot Saturday, I just finished reading Devil’s Bargain: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Storming of the American Presidency, by Josh Green. It’s essential reading if you want to understand the crossroads we’re at in this moment of our history. If you think the influence of the Right wing on this country is a temporary aberration and is mostly about old people who are aging out and will be replaced by liberal millennials, you really don’t understand what’s going on, and reading this book will help you to understand. Steve Bannon is intelligent and he's a little crazy, but he understands the energy that's in the crazy.
I think that Liberals don’t understand how powerful Liberal Hatred is, and they better understand the causes of it if there is even the remotest chance of arresting increasing right-wing extremism. Liberals can understand why people might disagree with them. Some can understand why some people find Liberal sanctimony annoying. But does that make them hateful? That seems incomprehensible to them. Most liberals just want to live and let live. Why is there such hateful intensity directed toward them for having such an easy-going attitude?
Bannon is a Liberal Hater, and he is an aficionado of white identity politics. For him that means asserting a traditionalist Christian definition of white identity against its enemies. For Bannon the threat to that identity comes from two primary camps--cosmopolitan elites and radical Islam, but by extension his enemy is anybody who seeks to diminish what he feels is essential for the survival of his vision for America.
Bannon's hatred for Liberals, and the hatred that the alt right has for Liberals, can be understood only if you see it as they experience it, which is as a noble, romantic fantasy. And noble fantasies like this are very attractive to people, especially young people, who are in groups who feel anxious, aggrieved, and marginalized by the tradition-destroying forces of Western Liberalism. So, similarly, the Muslim kids who are secretly leaving their families for Syria to join ISIS are not at first motivated by hate, even if they become vicious haters later. They are romantics who long for an identity-affirming sense of purpose to their lives by fighting for their "noble cause".
There is nothing more identity affirming than to have an enemy and to go on a romantic crusade against it. Attack, Attack, Attack. That’s Bannon’s mantra—and Trumps’s—and it’s a mantra that invigorates and takes all the fear and anxiety one is feeling and channels them into a noble project. You must believe that your enemy seeks your destruction, even if it doesn't, because if it didn’t then not enough would be at stake, and it wouldn’t have the drama a true. romantic crusade requires. Demonization of the enemy follows from this.
Not seeing the enemy in these terms would require instead dealing with complexity. In other words it would require boring politics as usual, and Bannon is the enemy of boring politics as usual. So boring, process-oriented Liberals are more interesting as more easily demonize when they are depicted as aggressive enemies, and so their worst characteristics are exaggerated by people like Bannon--and the whole right-wing media--to justify their crusade. I think this is a key to understanding why the Right demonizes what any objective person sees in Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer, which is two rather boring, formulaic, clueless, banal, and often feckless Liberals. (Half a cheer for a "better deal". That's a mantra that will galvanize the masses at this critical moment in our history.)
I'm not trying to justify right-wing violent extremism; I'm trying to understand why especially young people are attracted to it. It's easy to condemn extremism--and it must be condemned--but it's harder to understand its underlying causes. Nevertheless, unless an we make the effort to understand those causes, I fear the country will continue to separate out into factions not unlike those that faced off in the Civil War. And, while it matters who was right and who was wrong on the issues--clearly the South was wrong, and clearly the central issue was slavery--there's something horribly wrong when things get to the point where the only way to settle things is to send 600,000 men to their deaths. Was it worth it considering that it took another hundred years for black Americans to get any real rights in this country? Was it worth it if we still have huge swaths of the the South who still live in a kind of bitter resentment of the LIberal machine that defeated them and who seek in every way possible to thwart and subvert it?
We have to find a way of preventing this kind of extreme factionalism from spinning out of control now as it did then. That means preventing things from polarizing to such an extent that people find that they have to choose sides. There are a lot of people who reluctantly chose Trump last year because they could not bring themselves to choose a Liberal icon. Liberals are foolish if they assume that in the long run most people, even most young people, will choose their side. Many Liberals are living in their own delusional, self-ennobling fantasy.
I'm not concerned about understanding the psychology of the vicious psychopaths who rise to leadership in organizations like ISIS or the Neo Nazi organizations that planned the events in Charlottesville. I'm trying to understand why so many young people are attracted to these organizations, and why I fear this trend will become worse. Just condemning and shaming participation in these organizations is not enough, and it is counterproductive if it just fuels the polarization. This is exactly what Bannon hopes for. We need to understand the social forces that are creating the conditions for the growth of these movements, and we need to understand how the smug cluelessness of many establishment Liberals plays a significant role in making things worse.
White Natonalists in Charlottesville were chanting “You will not replace us. You will not replace us”. What does that even mean? But clearly this chant expresses their deepest fear, which is extinction. Is this paranoid? Yes, but this feeling of being under siege is very like the one that motivates Muslim kids to join ISIS. There are a lot of traditionalist conservatives who would never adopt these extremist views and behaviors, but they do not see Liberals as easy-going live-and-let live types. They see Liberals as having a very aggressive agenda to eliminate their traditionalist way of life.
Liberals don’t understand the sense of deep threat that traditionalists feel, and it’s no longer productive to dismiss those feelings as illegitimate. People feel what they feel, and when huge numbers of people feel the same way and get organized around those feelings, very bad things will happen. And so there has to be some attempt to understand it empathically. Progressives who understand the history of the Middle East have less trouble understanding the motivations of Muslims extremists. They understand that you would be paranoid too if your society was invaded and abused the way theirs was at the hands of Western Liberal imperialists. You’d be paranoid and outraged if people with a completely alien worldview came into your society and started changing the rules in ways that you were taught growing up are an abomination. Well something similar is going on with so many Americans who feel that Liberalism is changing the rules in America.
Conservatives, not just alt-right extremists, experience liberal sanctimony and its politically correct code as a form of aggressive contempt for them and their values, and they believe that Liberals are not just people with whom they disagree, but people who are an existential threat to themselves and everything that they hold dear. Most Liberals I know would say, “Really? That’s not what I want. Conservatives can do or say what they want so long as they don’t make me do it. We Liberals don’t impose our values on them. Why should they think they can impose theirs on us?”
But conservatives believe that’s disingenuous. They believe that Liberals have sought to do everything they can to eliminate their values and customs. They are right and wrong in thinking so. They are wrong insofar as they think that this is something the Liberals consciously intend; they are right insofar as Liberalism as an ideology has been hostile to traditional values and customs. For the last three hundred years the Enlightenment rationalist project has sought to debunk the traditional beliefs and customs as irrational and regressive. Liberals essentially saw tradition as the chief impediment to the realization of the Liberal progress fantasy. If custom could just be replaced by reason, Utopia would be achievable.
But even more powerful in its destructive effects on tradition and customary culture has been the force that Liberal ideology unleashed on the world, which is free-market capitalism. There is no force in the history of the world that has been more destructive of traditional values and customary ways of life. Liberals are simply people who are comfortable with the world that free-market capitalism and Enlightenment rationality produced, especially if they are among the better educated and affluent that have benefitted most from it.
The situation of Muslims is not unlike that of American Indians when faced with 19th–Europeans who were classical Liberals. These Liberals were able to put the American Indian on reservations, and many would like to do the same to Muslims. Ask Sam Harris and Bill Maher who are classic Liberals in this sense. Most decent Americans feel ashamed about what our ancestors did to the American Indian. And future generations I hope will feel equally ashamed about what Europeans and Americans did to Muslim societies.
But what happened to the American Indian, to Muslim societies in the Middle East, and to traditional communities here in the U.S. follows inevitably from the creative-destructive logic of Western Liberalism: Change, innovation, growth are all that matter. When traditions and customary ways of life get in the way, they will be destroyed. Resistance is futile. Either get on the bus or get run over by it. Well Geronimo, bin Laden, and Robert E. Lee had one thing in common. They all chose to resist the great Liberal machine. This was their ennobling fantasy and Liberals are deluded to the degree that they demonize the resisters and to the degree that they see their own cause as unambiguously morally superior.
That there is no moral equivalency between white nationalists and those who oppose them is both right and wrong. It is right in the sense that at this historical moment the kind of psychopathy that leads so many people into these extreme hate groups must be called what it is, a hateful psychopathy. It is wrong in the sense that Liberalism as an historical cultural force is perceived as having had no role in producing the psychopathy.
We romanticize the great Native American freedom fighters Geronimo, Chief Joseph, and Sitting Bull for their resistance to the Liberal expansionist machine, but they were considered terrorists by most 19th Century Americans. Most Americans then didn’t sympathize with the plight of Native Americans or even remotely or condemn the near genocidal policies of Americans toward them, and they don’t now understand or sympathize with how modern Liberal/capitalist forces have impacted Muslim societies, either. But when we have some distance from it, we can understand how the psychopathy of violent extremism becomes an option when any group feels that it is facing an asymmetrically powerful enemy that seeks its destruction. I'm Irish enough that in my younger days I felt some sympathy for the IRA and could rationalize its psychopathic tactics.
One man's psychopath is another's hero. But does anybody who knows anything about the cruel history of English treatment of the Irish dating back to Cromwell believe that the English had no role in producing the violent resistance against it? Is it so hard to understand how any strategy or tactic, no matter how reprehensible, is justified in the thinking of the perpetrator because there are no rules when one is fighting for one’s life. The hard thing to do is to see how this survival mentality is what shapes the psychology and thinking of so many white nationalists. We're too close to it to see the similarities; we're too sympathetic to the abuses suffered by African Americans, who even now are abused by this kind of thinking. But from 3000 feet up, it's not so hard to see the basic pattern is the same. It's about resistance to the ineluctable Liberal machine.
Now there’s an historic irony in that the White Americans who are the inheritors of these annihilating attitudes toward Black and Native Americans and who now have similarly hateful attitudes toward Muslims, Mexicans, and other non-whites, feel that their survival is now in question. I'm sure there are many morally outraged Liberals who even wish for their annihilation. But the point is that the moral outrage just feeds the sick system and perpetuates it. It's the kind of thing that leads to 600,000 dead. It's crazy on both sides because without one the other would not have fuel enough to keeps its outrage burning.
That's what Steve Bannon and Donald Trump understand that the talking heads on TV don't. They want to feed the Liberal outrage because they know it's something that can work in their favor. And Liberal moral outrage is something they believe they can work to their advantage in the long run. I'm not sure they are right about that, and certainly I don't think that either of them is competent to effectively work these energies to their advantage, but this isn't over even if they fail. There is enormous energy born of fear of survival and identity loss that they are tapping into, and if the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party doesn't figure out a way to channel those energies in a constructive way, these energies will be coopted by the Right by default. If not by Bannon and Trump, then by someone else.
So here's the problem as I see it if Liberal Democrats don't get a clue. Violent, heavily armed, identity-constituting gangs using terrorist tactics will be our future because there is no vital center in American society. Certainly Liberalism does not define it, and it never will because it is largely a spent historical cultural force. So we have a society in which everybody is out for himself. That's what the Neoliberal ethos embraced by the global Liberal elite has fostered in the developed world, but to a more extreme degree in the U.S.
And so all kinds of young people, no matter what their race or ethnicity, as they increasingly come to feel that the larger society is hostile or indifferent toward them, will become the domestic terrorists of the future. People like Milo Yiannopolis are showing these kids that it can be very hip, and edgy to be right wing. The infrastructure for a fascistic politics is already laid out in the gangs and drug cartels. They can be politicized, and where it's possible for them, they will infiltrate governments as they did in American cities and state governments in the twenties and thirties. For this reason, in twenty years we might look a lot more like the gangster-run Russia or some other authoritarian kleptocracy.
Free-market capitalism is sowing the seeds that will destroy what we now cherish as an open society governed by the rule of law, i.e., what we understand to be the best thing about the Liberal society. But this destruction will not be effected in the way Marx predicted it. In America no galvanizing a workers' movement on the Left is likely to emerge. It's more likely that the current Neoliberal ethos embraced by American and other global elites will generate tribal militias who will destroy Liberal society from the Right. Trump is the first of many thugs like him to come.
That’s why conservatives, whom normally we think of as stuffy types who honor norms and traditions, no longer have a party. It's certainly not the GOP. It has become a force for destroying all norms and traditions in the political sphere. The Republican Party now has more the structure of a gang or cult. Its leaders don’t care about solving problems, they only seek to rig things and break any norm or law they can get away with if doing so will enable them to dominate the system. For some, its leaders, it's pure will to power, but their power base is nourished by the fear of white traditionalist group extinction and the need of these fearful people to align with the strong man who will protect them.
This is why Liberals lose time and time again in the political sphere. They think they are having a reasonable debate about ideas and practical solutions, about what works or doesn’t to solve real problems, and they don’t understand that they are in a knife fight with people who don’t care about solving problems but only about destroying you before you destroy them.
(Revised for clarity and to improve thematic emphasis 8/18)