From article in Seattle Times about the offers cities are making to attract Amazon's HQ2:
But the most far-reaching offer is from Fresno, California. That city of half a million isn’t offering any tax breaks. Instead it has a novel plan to give Amazon special authority over how the company’s taxes are spent.
Fresno promises to funnel 85 percent of all taxes and fees generated by Amazon into a special fund. That money would be overseen by a board, half made up of Amazon officers, half from the city. They’re supposed to spend the money on housing, roads and parks in and around Amazon.
The proposal shows a park with a sign: “This park brought to you by Amazon,” with the company’s smiling arrow corporate logo.
“The community fund projects would give Amazon credit for the funding of each project,” the proposal says. “The potential negative impacts from a project would be turned into positives, giving Amazon credit for mitigating it.”
Is it even legal to give a company direct sway over civic spending like that?
When asked about it, Fresno’s economic-development director threw the public interest under the bus.
“Rather than the money disappearing into a civic black hole, Amazon would have a say on where it will go,” he told the Los Angeles Times. “Not for the fire department on the fringe of town, but to enhance their own investment in Fresno.”
You poor fools out on the fringe of town. All this time you’ve been paying your taxes, thinking it was for the broader public good. Suckers.
Seriously, we’ve got Congress slashing corporate taxes, business cash overwhelming elections and the Federal Communications Commission poised to turn control of the internet over to a few private companies. Now a single company is viewed as such a shiny prize that some seem ready to wave the white flag on the whole “for the people, by the people” experiment.
It feels like a dicey moment for the “civic black hole.“ Also known as democracy.
Do most Americans have any sense of what democracy as self rule means anymore? Do they care? is it worth the bother? Is there anything in it anymore that is worth fighting to preserve?
Late capitalism has made all of us into Last Men who elect Last Men to represent their interests in government. And those Last Men, because it's what Last Men elected by Last Men do, slavishly submit to corporate übermenschen like Bezos. It's the way of the world. Take to your knees and proffer your bowls of earth and water and you will live, kind of.